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A Visit with Greta Burroughs, Author of Gerald and the Wee People

July 3, 2013

It’s my great pleasure to have a beautiful lady as my guest today! Greta Burroughs has several children’s books available, and today she shared about herself and one of her books. Thank you for visiting me today, Greta! Welcome!

greta burroughs


At what age were you the happiest? What triggers such joy?


I think I am the happiest and most alive right now. I have learned many lessons, some a little hard to take at the time, but they have made me the person I am today. Since I have published several books, I have a sense of accomplishment that has improved my self-esteem and I look forward to every new day with a will to accomplish more. I have overcome some medical issues that made me appreciate life and health and I’m happy to still be alive and kicking. Life is good.


That’s awesome! Now, I’m sure there is something you tell yourself that isn’t true, or true yet. What is the number one lie you tell yourself? How is that working out?


One of these days, I will be able to live off my books. I have dreams of my books taking off and all my children’s and MG/YA books will be in every school and loved by everyone. It may not come true but it keeps me plugging away….


I’m not sure that is really a lie. I think it’s a dream! I hope it comes true for you. In the meantime, after a difficult day what do you do to recuperate? Does it work?


Grab a book! It has to be a get-away-from-it-all fantasy type of book so I can escape reality and forget about my bad day for a little while. Yes, it does work. The problems do not go away, but sometimes they don’t seem quite as bad when I get back to thinking about them.


That’s a great idea! Reading helps a lot of us! Now, thinking back, what is the one thing, good or bad, you wish you could have said to a former boyfriend/girlfriend? Why didn’t you? Don’t worry he/she probably won’t read this.


Thank you. As a teenager, I really didn’t think about it. I never said thank you enough so here it is.


That is certainly true today, too. What is the worst advice you have ever given someone?


Sure, go ahead. It couldn’t hurt…


Hmm, sounds like there is a story behind that! What is one of the most unusual things you have done in your life?


I worked a full-time and a part-time job (60-80 hours a week) while putting myself through college. It took five years to graduate taking evening classes on my nights off from work but I did it! It may not be very unusual, but I don’t know very many other people who have done it.


Congratulations! That is quite an undertaking! Would you mind sharing a bit about yourself, and the links where readers can connect with you and your books?



Author’s Bio


Greta Burroughs loves to read. No matter where she is, there is always a book close at hand. Her love of reading began at an early age and blossomed over time to include many different genres, her favorite now being fantasy.

As a preschool and elementary school teacher, Greta tried to instill the joy of reading in the children she worked with. Books were an important part of her classroom and story time was the highlight of the day.

It has been a while since Greta was in a classroom but she had lots of experience in reading to children of various ages and remembers what they enjoyed listening to. She tries to incorporate that knowledge into her work as an author and believes it makes her a better writer of children’s and young adult books.

She now resides in SC with her husband, Robert and three dogs. Greta has six books published at the present time; three children’s books in the Patchwork Dog and Calico Cat series, two MG/YA fantasy entitled Gerald and the Wee People and House on Bo-Kay Lane, and a nonfiction account of her experiences with an autoimmune blood disorder called ITP – Heartaches and Miracles.

For more information on Greta’s books visit

Wee People Cover (SW, Kindle)












(US Amazon)


(UK Amazon)





Thank you for joining me today, Greta! It has been an honor to have you here! I wish you the best with your writing, and I hope to see you soon, living out your dream!

From → Books, Special Guest

  1. Congrats on your books. I loved the interview. You’re right, we never said thank you enough when we were younger!

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